We stopped in Crowley, Colorado to give a presentation to high school students. Van, Bobby, and Anuj give a great talk, and the crowd was receptive. After, as we started to ride the wind began to pick up. We rode through 40 mph cross winds for 40 miles. Then as we headed into Eads, CO the wind turned into a tailwind, and we cruised into town at nearly 30 mph.
Today I was on support as the team headed from Eads, past the Kansas border, and into Leoti. The winds continued to give the riders difficulty, and by lunch, we decided it was no longer safe to ride with semi trucks and such passing so we loaded the bikes and finished the route by van. Since I was on support, I had the opportunity to stand on top of the vans to rack the bikes.
With our extra time, we decided to check out the local attractions in Leoti, KS. Let me say, there aren't very many attractions. We spent some time at the Great Plains Museum which had a surprisingly large collection despite this being such a small town. In the basement they had an retro town set up. I even got my picture taken with this motorcycle which would probably be easier to ride across the country than a bike.
We finished our day by eating at Charlie's Mexican Restaurant which happens to be one of the eight wonders of Wichita county. I'm not sure what all of the others are, but I'm sure they are just as phenomenal, but not as tasty.
Back to riding tomorrow as we set out for Ness City. The wind is still blowing pretty hard so let's hope things settle down a bit before morning.
1 comment:
Lovin' the blog man. Enjoy the riding. Keep it up.
Nick G.
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